#1 Bookie Websites Provider - 1 FREE Week of Price per Head Services - 100% Secure


New member
Jun 9, 2015
Many old school bookies ask the question: How do I get a bookie website where my customers can log in to play and I can log in to see their action?

The answer is simple: http://www.bookiewebsites.com/

Here are a few reasons they are the #1 provider of bookie websites in the industry. If you want to discover the full list of benefits then give us a call or email us and we'll set you up with a free trial agent account with 1 week of free services: +1-855-765-8315

1- Secure Communication
We provide private lines for our bookies and players to communicate. Don't rely on unsecured email providers that share your information with everyone. That goes for hotmail, gmail, yahoo, aol and more.

We host our own private email solution for your to communicate with players. The best part? That your players won't be able to claim they 'didn't see' your message. Why? Because we can make it come up as the first thing they see when they log in. And you can see that they logged in. So there can't be any doubt as to what was seen by whom and when.

We provide this service absolutely free to our pay per head bookies. If you don't know what pay per head is, read here: http://www.bookiewebsites.com/what-is-pph/

2- Free Bookie Websites
We provide free bookie websites to our agents. You can pick your own domain and even request for special images to be included. Your favorite sports team, your favorite model or actress or any other symbol that is important to you can be included on YOUR website. Absolutely free of charge.

Don't settle with using the standard websites provided by PPH shops. Get something special for yourself and for your players to remember your bookie web site.

3- More Lines and Games Covered than any of our competitors
We take care of putting out lines for all the major games but also for some of the less known and covered games. This means you can offer way more games to your players and boost the number of bets and therefore how much you earn from your players.

But what happens if you don't want to offer certain game types or bet types on certain games. Say for example that some of your players do well with golf, but you want to offer MMA? No problem, we you can easily edit this from within your agent account. If you want to offer NCAA football, but don't want your players taking the totals after the half time? No problem, again you can set this within your agent account with two clicks of your mouse and it will instantly be applied to all your players.

4- Sharp play and steam play protection
Any bookie that has been in business for enough time and dealt with enough customers has had the situation of taking on a new, big player, but being nervous about this guy being a sharp who could whipe out a large percentage of earnings with just a few good plays.

That is why we have created systems to help our bookies deal with sharp and steam action.

For sharps we offer our bookies the ability to get email and/or SMS warnings of when certain players make wagers, or when players make certain bets. This can give you instant heads up to take action and offset some of your action to lock in a profit.

Another option we offer is protection from steam play. If your players have the habit of looking for steam, you can set a delay for their wagers, of say 2 minutes. This means that if your player wants to take say, the Giants on the over, the bet will take 2 minutes to go through. If the line moves during that time, then the wager is rejected and the player is told that he has to make his wager with the new line.

New member
Jun 9, 2015
So NBA is heating up... how have you been doing as a bookie?

Have your lines always been up to date?

Has your site always been up?

Has CS taken care of your needs?

Do you think you might be able to pay less and receive more?

Well, you are right. You can.

Try us out. We are the best price per head service on the market.

We are giving new agents who read this 3 free weeks of service. Our custom software is designed to keep you safe, make you more money and cost you less. Tall order huh? We can fill it.

Contact us today and request your free weeks. You can find us at https://www.priceperhead.sc/

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